It’s not easy to make your ex-boyfriend want you back. Whether he was the one who broke up with you, or you ended things and realized you made a big mistake, it’s hard to make your boyfriend want to be
with you again once things have ended. But don’t worry — it’s hard, but not impossible. If you get some distance, address the problem that led to the downfall of the relationship, and improve yourself, then
you’ll have your ex-boyfriend back in no time. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps.
1 Take a break from your ex-boyfriend
. You may be dying to be back
with your ex-boyfriend, but the worst thing
you can do is hang around him incessantly,
call him, or wink at him in class until he
gets the picture. If you’re always around, he
probably does get the picture, but it won’t
be one that he likes. Instead, you should
take a breather and stop hanging around
him, at least for a few weeks or longer.
2 Think about what went wrong. While
you distance yourself from your boyfriend,
you’ll be in a good position to reflect on the
problems in the relationship. If you want to
get your man back, then you have to figure
out what it was that went wrong so you
don’t do it all over again. The problem
could be simple, or it could take a bit
longer to figure out.
3 Make a game plan for addressing the
problem. Once you figure out what went
wrong in the relationship — which could be
a combination of problems instead of just
one — it’s time to think about how you can
make things different next time. You don’t
want to make your ex boyfriend want you
back if you’ll just run into the same
problems and drama all over again.
Source: wikihow
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